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Vending cart (EV) WSH5030XSHBEV

Update: 2020/12/2      View:
  • Brand:    DONRAIN
  • Type:    WSH5030XSHBEV
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生产企业信息(Company Information)
车辆名称(Name): 纯电动售货车(Vending truck) 车辆类型(Type): 半挂车法律法规(Semi-trailer laws and regulations)
制造地( Manufacturing country: ): 中国(CHINA) 牌照类型(License type) : 车辆号牌分类标准(Vehicle flapper group standard)
公告批次(Notice batch): 309 发布日期(Release date ): 20180709
产品号(ID ): ZNMV95VW01T  目录序号(N0.): (十七)46
中文品牌(CN brand ): 东润牌(DONRAIN) 英文品牌(EN brand ): DONGRUN,DONRAIN
公告型号(Model ): WSH5030XSHBEV 免征(Duty-free ): 否(NO)
企业名称(Company): 湖北东润汽车有限公司(Hubei Dongrun Automobile Co., Ltd.) 燃油(Oil): 否(NO)
企业地址(Add): 襄阳市高新区深圳工业园特88号(Special 88#, Shenzhen industrial Park, high-tech zone, xiangyang city, Hubei Province, China (PC 441000)) 环保(EP): 否(NO)
免检说明(Exemption Information)
免检(Exemption): 否(NO) 免检有效期止(Exemption term of validity):
公告状态(Notice Information)
公告状态(State): 有效(Effective) 公告生效日期(Benginng): 20180709
公告状态描述(Describe): 扩展(Expand) 变更(扩展)记录(Change (expansion) record ):
主要技术参数(Technology Information )
外形尺寸(Overall Size mm:): 4780×1650×2180,2400,2660(mm)  货厢尺寸(Box Size): ××(mm) 
总质量(G.V.W.R ): 2510(Kg)  载质量利用系数(Load mass utilization factor):
整备质量(Tare Weight ): 1520(Kg)  额定载质量(Payload): 860(Kg) 
挂车质量(Weight ): (kg) 半挂鞍座(Saddle):
驾驶室(Cab ): 前排乘客(Front passenger ): 2(人)
额定载客(Rated passenger capacity): (人) 防抱死系统(ABS):
接近角/离去角(Approach angle / departure angle): 32/18(°) 前悬/后悬(Front / rear suspension): 595/1135(mm) 
轴荷(Axle load): 970/1540 轴距(Wheelbase): 3050(mm) 
轴数(Alex number): 2 最高车速(Max speed): 90(km/h)
油耗(oil wear): 弹簧片数(Number of spring): -/6
轮胎数(Tire number): 4 轮胎规格(tire size): 175R14LT 6PR/175R14LT 8PR
前轮距(Front track): 1390  后轮距(Rear wheel): 1410 
制动前(Before braking): 制动后(After braking):
制操前(Pre exercise): 制操后(After exercise):
转向形式(Steering type): 方向盘(Steering wheel) 起动方式(Start mode):
传动型式(drive system): 油耗(oil wear)(L/100Km):
Vin车辆识别代码(Vin Identification code): LB9XCB13×××WSH×××
发动机参数(Engine parameter)
发动机(Engine) 发动机生产企业(Engine manufacturer) 排量(ml)(displacement  ml) 功率(kw)
TZ205XSFDM30C 浙江方正电机股份有限公司(Zhejiang founder motor Limited by Share Ltd) 60
车辆燃料参数(Vehicle fuel parameter)
燃料种类(Fuel type): 纯电动(Pure electric) 依据标准(Standards):
底盘排放标准(Chassis emission standard):
其他 (Others)
1. Battery Type/Model/Manufacturing Enterprise: LiNCoMnO_4 Lithium Ion Power Battery/D1ST-353-120B4/Jiangsu Chunlan Clean Energy Research Institute Limited, battery monomer rated voltage/battery capacity: 3.6V/30Ah, battery pack rated capacity: 120Ah; 2. Carriage top closed, not open; 3. Selection of dome, different height car assembly; 4. Drive motor model/manufacturer: TZ205XSFDM30C/Zhejiang Founder Motor Co., Ltd., motor rating/peak power 30/60KW; 5. Special equipment: sales containers, shelves, for mobile sales. 6. Product technology stage: development period.
反光标识参数(Reflective marking parameter)
标识企业(manufacturer): 浙江道明光学股份有限公司(Zhejiang Dow Ming Phenix Optical Company Limited) 标识商标(Logo): DM
标识型号(Identification type): VCDM-4

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